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Jack and Lauren

What should a perfect engagement session experience be like? Well if it includes a road trip to a beautiful spot in the woods, a meal and some great beers...then it can't be bad. It's hard to overstate how much fun I had with Jack and Lauren. So glad that I get to be a part of their wedding! 



men and engagement portraits....

Let’s be honest. Most guys don’t just love the idea of shooting engagement photos; at least not the way a bride does. I don’t want to generalize, but as men it’s not necessarily our skill set to parade around and dial up affection on command. My shoots are always casual, and normally start and end with a pint. But even then, having portraits made is not something us guys find natural. It’s always great to see when guys are clearly doing something outside their comfort zone for the girl they love. It’s great practice for a long marriage! Atta boy Richard.




Cole and Alli


Cole and Alli

Most of us who are married with kids have told the story of how we met many times, even to our own children. But after just 12 or so years, Katie and I have developed slightly different versions of how we met. I'm sure her's is the correct version, I have a terrible memory! The point is this, it's important to preserve the first chapter of your family story! We all know this, but how many of us are actually intentional about it? I'm always trying to encourage my couples to think about their engagement shoot as a way to remember the beginning stages of their relationship.

An engagement shoot can be so much more than just a chance to get dressed up and create some beautiful portraits in an stunning location. It can be both, really. I'm so glad Cole and Alli were able to see that. They took me to the EXACT spot they first met inside their high school. (seen below in black and white) We were able to shoot on the field where Alli cheered on Cole's baseball team and now they'll have those photos to go along with their stories someday. 



Nick and Anna's engagements

I had a great time with Nick and Anna in the mountains. Kudos to Anna for enduring hours of fly fishing talk between Nick and I. This was my first shoot with my now beloved Hasselblad 500cm. When I first started shooting film a few years ago, I would have never chosen to shoot with a camera like this. It's a slow, heavy, old film camera that produces square images. But over time,  I've come to love the simplicity of the square format. Thanks Instagram!



Josh & Leslie | One Frame


Josh & Leslie | One Frame


Here are a couple of great smiles from a recent shoot. I picked up some architectural knowledge of Tulsa's downtown great skyline. As a commercial realtor, Leslie knows all the hidden gems.  Looking forward to spending some time with these two and their families in Seaside this Fall!



Tyler and Ashlee


Tyler and Ashlee

So our new house is finished and we're moved in! That means my photography sabbatical is over. I've been dusting off hard drives from our last wedding season. This next few weeks on the blog should be exciting. I'll be posting about a year's worth of work! 

Here are a few selects from Tyler and Ashlee's engagement shoot! 



Hank & Brit | One Frame

Had a novel idea today. I think I'll start blogging my photos again! As we're winding up another great season of weddings, I'm a little sad about all the beautiful moments and settings I've been able to photograph this year and I haven't really had time to share any of it. 

We've had one of the craziest, most challenging and exciting chapters of life during what we've called our "life edit". The short story is that we sold everything, moved into a vintage trailer and are toiling to build a small house mortgage free. It's a trip, but we're soaking up every struggle and victory along the way. You can read more of that struggle and victory on our family blog

Sometimes if goes without being said publicly, but we're so appreciative of all our couples. Old and new couples; that have been tracking with us through this process. Here's one of those couples. These guys just have such a real chemistry!



One Frame | Joe and Anna

You can add Milwaukee to the list of cities I could spend a few days. Joe and Anna were great hosts. We had a nice relaxed afternoon of shooting around town and wrapped up on the shore of Lake Michigan for an amazing sunset. More to come soon!



Ross and Lindy's Boston Engagements


Ross and Lindy's Boston Engagements

Katie and I had the chance to take a quick trip to Boston in November to photograph Ross and Lindy.  They were excellent hosts and showed us a really great time.  We had some incredible meals while we were there including my first ever hot lobster roll at a place called Neptune. Just amazing! How Ross managed a table at this place is a mystery.

We bounced around the Boston area shooting these two for the better part of the day. We also got to meet up with Boston area photographer Chad Hansen for a great breakfast. I appreciate the help with location scouting Chad! 

Thanks again, Ross and Lindy for having us up. It was a blast!


Banning and Katie


Banning and Katie

What can I say about these two fine people... They love each other, they love coffee, they love outside. To say they're my kind of people would be an understatement. Can't wait for their wedding this March!


Adam and Laura


Adam and Laura

Probably the largest agave I've ever had the pleasure of photographing. 

It's in Austin, TX if you want to add it to your bucket list. 



Blake and Amy's Engagement Shoot


Blake and Amy's Engagement Shoot

Blake and Amy showed me a gorgeous spot in the hills of southern Oklahoma. Goes to show you that there are patches of beautiful terrain in our state. You just have to look for them...far away from OKC.

-to life!





Shane and Julie's engagements


Shane and Julie's engagements

What a wonderful couple! We had a lot of laughs. Shane is a fellow sailor, so Julie had to endure all kinds of sailing conversation during our shoot. Sorry Julie. I truly hope to stay connected with them. I'll be posting their super cool wedding one of these days. Stay tuned for that.

